provides instant term life insurance quotes from only quality rated insurers as well as guidance and unbiased information on the nuances that differentiates the leading term life insurers. Life insurance should be considered in your retirement plans. The amount required depends on your financial situation. If, after you die, your pension and accumulated savings are not enough to provide your family with protection against a rising cost of living, you should consider additional life insurance. One of the things that makes life rich is its unpredictable twists and turns. Sometimes those turns can catch us off guard. Loss of a job, serious illness, or even death are all part of life. Although they may be unexpected, you can protect yourself and your family from experiencing the financial loss that could otherwise accompany these events. Life insurance is a necessary component in building a safe financial future. Term Life Insurance Q&AQ: How much money does it cost to get started? A: It does not cost anything at all. The term life insurance quotes that we provide you are free. Finding a rate that works within your budget will require a completed application. The client has the choice of a no exam term life plan, or a traditional policy which will require an exam. There is no cost to you during any portion of this process, and by law, every insurer must provide you with a 30-day free-look money back guarantee. Q: What makes quotes at California Healthy Choice better compared to another Internet-based life insurance quoting site?A: There is only one reason, and that is, we are passionate about saving you money. If we are privileged enough to earn your business you will find out that this is true.Q: Who is eligible for term life insurance?A: For any kind of life insurance, the first thing you must have is something called Insurable Interest.? What is Insurable Interest? You may be said to have an insurable interest in someone\'s life if you will be caused to experience substantial financial loss if they die. Insurable interest must exist for any insured by whomever it is that is taking out the policy. You are assumed to have an insurable interest in:
And there may be plenty of other circumstances in which insurable interest exists. For example, if you own a business and have an employee whose death would cause the business to lose money, the business may be said to have an insurable interest in this person. This would be known as key man life insurance. Business partners usually can take out life insurance on each other as they too have insurable interest in each other\'s lives. Secondly, you must be able to medically qualify. Third, you must be able to pay for it. Term life is available for seniors, college students, kids, really just about everyone. That is to say, basically everyone between the ages of 0 and 75 (and sometimes older in special cases) can qualify for term life insurance). Q: So I have to take a medical exam before being considered for life insurance?A: No. If you don't want to take an exam there is something called No Exam Life Insurance offered by several carriers including HSBC, Fidelity Life, RBC, GTL, and a few others. It is quite a bit more expensive than regular term life insurance, but it is also a lot faster to obtain, and of course, it doesn't require an exam. This should not be interpreted to mean, however that everyone can qualify for it (or, as they say in the industry,Guaranteed Issue ). Guaranteed issue, when used in connection with health insurance means that a plan will be offered regardless of medical condition. Group health insurance is the most common form of guaranteed issue health insurance, but some states offer guaranteed issue plans on the individual market as well Those who have become HIPAA eligible are also entitled to guaranteed issue plans It is important to keep in mind, however, that just because a plan is guaranteed issue, it doesn't mean that there aren't certain requirements that must be fulfilled before one is offered. In the case of group health insurance, there may be waiting periods of up to 90 days, and in the case of HIPAA eligibility, often one must exhaust very costly COBRA benefits. There is such a thing as guaranteed issue health insurance, but any life insurance product will require some kind of medical evaluation even if it is only a written one. You should also know that with No Exam Life Insurance, your policy is likely to offer fewer benefits and options. For example, it might have an accelerated death benefit, and there may not be a convertibility option either. One thing to think about if you decide to go with a traditional term policy is that the paramed exam is basically a free head to toe physical. Q: How is term life insurance priced?A: The cost of term life insurance is influenced by many variables including sex, age, health status, amount applied for, riders added, state, and term length. For most people a fairly considerable amount of it can be had for less than $35 per month. But the price can be much higher or lower. Every situation is unique. Q: How will my health status affect the amount I pay for term life insurance?A: This is the second most important variable behind age, and in many cases the most important variable affecting life insurance rates. When you get your quote, keep in mind that most people qualify for "Standard". IF you are not in absolutely perfect health, you will be disappointed if you assume that you will somehow qualify for the rating class of preferred best. Most life insurance companies set divide applicants into at least 5 general health categories. They are:
Q: If I am approved for one rating class, can I later be approved for another rating class if my health improves?A: Yes! You most certainly can. Different carriers have different waiting requirements, but if you purchase life insurance, then subsequently lose a lot of weight, stop smoking, or lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, we recommend that you let us have a look so that we can get you qualified for a better rate. Q: Should I consider whole life instead of term life?A: Most insurance experts these days recommend term life insurance in just about all cases. California Healthy Choice doesn't really take a position on the matter. Whole life costs considerably more but it is permanent, and there are some people may like having that peace of mind. One thing to keep in mind when buying term insurance is that many if not most policies have what's called a convertibility option which will allow you to "convert" the policy to a permanent policy without evidence of insurability as long as you are willing to pay the for what it will cost at the time of conversion. Usually the convertibility option expires between the ages of 70 and 75. Q: What is the best age to buy term life insurance?A: When you are young, of course. It is at this time that you are most likely to qualify for least expensive rating class, Preferred Best. Life insurance for people who are in their 20's, even those who qualify for standard, is dirt cheap. Q: What are the term lengths available?A: Term life insurance is generally sold in 5 year increments up to 30 years, so we have:
The longer the term length, the more the policy will cost, but overall the value will be greater. In most cases, 10 year term will cost about the same or less than a 5 year term policy because it takes the insurance company several years after a policy is issued to make up the cost of underwriting. Q: Which company offers the cheapest term life insurance?A: There is no one company which is cheapest for all people all the time. In fact, the company that is cheapest for one person may be the most expensive for another. This is why it pays to shop around a little and compare the rates of as many companies against each other as you can. It takes a little work, but if you are diligent you can save a lot of money on your life insurance. Q: I am not exactly in perfect health. What is the possibility that I can get term life insurance?A: Most people are not in perfect health. If you have diabetes, or if you have had cancer or heart disease it doesn't automatically mean that you will not be able to obtain life insurance even if you've been told that by some agent. Life insurance is a dynamic field and the major carriers have a much looser policy than they used to. Be prepared to spend more, but understand too that the insurers risk is also greater. Q: What if I want to cancel my policy?A: If you buy a policy and then later decide to cancel it, no problem. With life insurance, you are never contractually obligated to keep making payments for the life of the policy Q: What if I already have a policy?A: First, thank yourself for providing this valuable protection for your family. If it has been a few years, it is wise to shop the market to see if you may be able to get a better rate. Your chances of paying less for your policy are actually very good. The reason for this is that before the advent of the Internet, most people did not really shop for life insurance. If they did, they may have compared up to 3 or 4 companies, max. Now you can compare up to 40 companies within seconds, and there is usually a great deal of difference in terms of price between the highest and the lowest. Q: How do I know how much to get?A: It is totally up to you. If you were going to calculate your life insurance need, you would want to look at how much you owe on your mortgage, what you salary is times 5 years, how much it might cost to fund higher education for your children, average burial expense, and these kinds of things.Realistically though, most people have a certain budget to work with, and it is really a matter of deciding, with the funds that are available, whether you want a higher face amount and a shorter term, or a lower face amount with a longer term. For most people it probably would make more sense to go for the longer term and lower face amount since there as you age there is an increased possibility that you will die. If you buy 30 years of life insurance in increments of 10 years, you will spend a lot more than you would if you just simply purchased a 30 year term. Additionally you might also not be able to qualify for another term policy if your health declines. One other important thing to know: you can't apply for more than your entire net worth. If you want to apply for an amount greater than $1,000,000 most life insurance companies are going to want to see documentation that you're actually worth this much. Term Life Insurance Rates (at a glance)Term life rate charts for age 25, 45, and 65 (male and female)The following factors go into determining rates for term life insurance:
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